Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Classroom observations
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Troy and Steve waffle and waffle. Today Steve really waffles up a storm, he really does! So today they are waffling about the wonderful world of getting observed while you teach, observing teachers giving lessons, the difference between evaluation and feedback, and every now and again the cat gets to add some waffle support too. Troy say the word 'autonomic' which I don't understand - see if you can hear it. Email us with a definition. And, who watches the watchers that break multiple grammar rules in the beginning of a single sentence? Is that why we have a special guest cat?
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Teaching young learners
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Today Troy and Steve have a guest - it's Sunee! Sunee has been teaching young learners since she herself was young. It's part of her genes. She knows a lot about children, children's classes, children's material, children's behaviour and all sort of other things about children and their classrooms. We grill her about all this stuff. In particular, we wonder how we might know who is destined to be a teacher of young learners, and whether the characteristics that make a YL teacher are bred into them by some twist at birth, or whether it's something someone can learn.
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Teachers in the Movies - Good Morning Vietnam
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Troy and Steve have taken the day off, but Yort and Evets are standing in. They don't Waffle about TEFL. Instead, they'll be exploring, in exquisite detail, the way teachers and teaching are portrayed in the movies - and today's movie is Good Morning Vietnam! Which is set in Vietnam, actually. In this movie, Robin Williams is a teacher sometimes. Yes he really is. But, do teachers in movies know how to teach? Or is it a farce designed to trick the layman? Does Robin know how to teach (his character in the movie, that is)? Does he make any stupid beginner-teacher mistakes? Listen to Yort and Evets and find out what they think. Watch out, there's some language in here you don't want your grandmother to hear (like 'elicit', and maybe even 'illicit'). You'll never watch a movie in the same way again!
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Extra-curricular activities
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
It's Steve who has a big fat waffle about things that happen outside of the classroom that may be opportunities for learning. At the end of the day it's time for the teacher to go home, sit in the garden and sip a pina colada... But wait! The school would really like it if you came back on Sunday and helped show off to the parents how special thieir programme is, look handsome and/or pretty (or both), and justify all those shiny school fees they're paying. Is this part of our job too? Should we be paid a marketing bonus for coming in on a Sunday? Surely there's no educatiobal value in getting ther students dressing up for Halloween! Explore the world of teaching that happens outside of the classroom, and away from pina coladas and gardens.
Saturday Jul 07, 2018
How much is enough?
Saturday Jul 07, 2018
Saturday Jul 07, 2018
Troy and Steve ask the crucial questions - how much should a teacher work? How many hours should we teach? How much time should we spend planning? Are we working too much? Should we work more? Does anyone know how much we work? Are any of these questions pertinent? Should we stop asking questions like this? Anyway, Steve has opinions, Troy has stories and we both waffle enoughly about working as a teacher.
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Reading research
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Troy has a question about whether teachers need to read formal research. What's the point of all these academics doing endless research instead of actually teaching? Surely those who do, do, but those who observe don't? Which is mightier, the practionioner or the theoretician? Should teachers even bother? Steve has a lot of things to say about this, though his opinion is really flawed and completely biased anyway. Troy, in the other hand, has a whiteboard marker.
Saturday May 26, 2018
Golden Rules for teachers
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Steve has chosen the topic today. That's always a little dangerous. What, he asks cunningly, is the golden rule for teachers in the classroom? Do you have a golden rule for yourself as a teacher? Compare it with Troy's response! Then compare it with Steve's idea. Compare yours and Troy's with what the teachers you work with think is a golden rule for their classroom. Is there only one golden rule? Or are there two? Or are there zillions of golden rules? This podcast almost hits the infinity button, and as usual, waffling ensues.
Saturday May 12, 2018
Sucking as a language learner
Saturday May 12, 2018
Saturday May 12, 2018
Language learning is complex and subject a lot of variables - which Applied Linguists love researching. Troy and Steve waffle about it in a very unscientific way, citing absolutely no research and instead simply whinging about what it is that makes us as language learners useless at learning languages. Come wallow in our self-pity with us.
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Soft skills and the language classroom
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Today our special guest Stuart softly cajoles us into the meaningful and exciting world of soft skills in the classroom. An exerienced motivational speaker and general British fellow, Stuart has been a language teacher for quite a while now, and brings to his teaching his perspective that people are, in fact, people and should be treated as such. What does it mean when a students asks 'Teacher, can yoiu help me prepare my presentation that I have to present presently?' Oh, and Stu also waffles pretty well too.
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Today Bob's not around so Steve and Troy waffle about substituting and why it's good for your proessional health. Notice, as an asside, that Troy's responses are muted in today's episode, and relfect on possible reasons for that.